
            Transferring Mitchell Estimates into a Work order.

With OD5 we can now transfer estimates from Mitchell directly onto a newly created work order in our application.  This is the beginning of integration for the Shade Tree Service Manager.

Mitchell Estimates:
On our computer Mitchell saves estimates in a folder labeled "EstHist" with the full path
"c:\Mitchell1\OnDemand5\History\EstHist".   You can view these estimates with Internet Explorer.

The code behind the Mitchell form may require a reference be added from the tools menu. If you are missing the library file that this form needs it will not open up, and create an error.  The file name is "msxml2.dll".  The reference name is "MicrosoftXML,2.6" If this file is missing  you can add a newer version, or download the latest version from Microsoft. Its a free download. I use the new version but added a reference for the old version since I doubt most people are using this newer one.

Here is a link to the latest XML library.  MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2

Refer to the main doc file that you downloaded in the zip file for a complete explanation of Reference library files.

Questions, Comments, jmiller@arcpress.com  

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Shade Tree Service Manager